Exactly what kind of images are you hoping to walk away from your session with? Do you find yourself drawn to anonymous images that show off the body Portraits? Editorial style? Have absolutely no idea? It can be very difficult to articulate your own style, so we don’t ask you to.
Read MoreWhile our standard style is “authentic cool girl” You’ll get it when you see your first image.
You’ll look confident and cool. It’s our specialty, there are lots of different types of image categories to work with.
Read MoreCheck out our downtown Green Bay website and dowload the guide for recommendations for accommodations, food, and fun to make the most out of your time here!
Read MoreHonestly, and we’re not even close to exaggerating here, wardrobe is really not that crazy important for the way that we shoot. Please, please, please don’t stress out over wardrobe. Don’t feel the need to run out and buy all new things. We can do a completely versatile and awesome shoot with a single scarf, or the sheets, or a sweater. Truly. Don’t stress about it.
BRING ON THE FORM-FITTING ITEMS! We adore bodysuits, tight dresses, and nothing at all….especially for voluptuous bombshells. We often see curvy women trying to cover up more, but usually, that has the opposite effect they think it will. Allowing us to pose you so that we can see your figure and celebrate it is the way to go!
Nothing puts a damper on a fun and relaxing photo shoot like feeling rushed or late! You should plan for traffic and arrive about 5 minutes before your scheduled start time.
We know you think that you look better with a tan...but we assure you, even if you don’t see the streaks and unevenness with your naked eye, the camera will pick them up. You will photograph a lot more tan than you think you look (especially given that our specialty is low-key lighting and black and white imagery), and spray tans will photograph orange in color images. Trust us on this!! On that same note, no tinted lotions or bronzers on your body. Even after this warning we get a lot of women who message us to say that they’ve been spray tanning for years and they cannot fathom not doing so before a photo shoot. Of course we will still photograph you, but unfortunately our standard retouch will not account for spray tan correction, so just keep that in mind.
Read MoreIt happens all the time…a client’s photo shoot is a few days away and she begins to panic. We get a terrified e-mail in the middle of the night begging for us to talk them off the ledge. They want to cancel, they just haven’t had the time to prepare, you name the excuse, we’ve heard it.
Read MoreA COUPLE OF DAYS BEFORE YOU SHOOT, you can expect to get a confirmation from us, just making sure we are on the same page about your makeup start time, shoot start and end time, and location...and we’ll also ask if you have any last minute questions!
We want you to head on over to Pinterest and create a secret board called “(YOUR NAME) Boudoir”. Follow us, and then invite us to join your board that you’ve named “YOUR NAME PHOTO SHOOT”
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